Sunday, October 14, 2012

November 7th Eucharist, Lectionary 31

Music already in place:
ELW Setting One liturgical music
Psalm 119.1-8
Choir anthem: Come, My Way, my Truth, My Life (Cantorei)

Music needed:
Music at the Gathering (Hymn, Psalm, Litany, Kyrie, Canticle of Praise)
Hymn of the Day
Music at the Offering
Music at Communion
Music at the Sending

Things to ponder:
We've just come off a time of remembering saints the previous week and the preceding Sunday. This is the first time most people will be hearing these texts. This is also the week the visiting bishops join us and lead worship.

1.  How can the available options for the time of Gathering Song call to mind the themes of the season we are entering: Saints, Harvest, End Times? Is singing the Canticle of Praise "This Is the Feast" appropriate? Is the setting in ELW at Setting One well known, or is it still unfamiliar to many? If a hymn is to be sung, what hymn can capture these themes AND set the tone for hearing about "loving God and neighbor?" Do we need more than one song during the time of Gathering Song? A medley of hymns? A particular sung litany or Kyrie?

2. After doing Lectio divina on Oct. 15th, what hymns capture the essence of the three readings that would function well as a Hymn of the Day? (Remember that the Hymn of the Day puts the gospel "into the mouths of the hearers" and is not just a "sermon hymn.")

3. Should the gentle text and music of the choir anthem be sung at the Offering or during Communion? What music might reinforce the themes of the day AND the themes of the ritual action taking place at either the Offering or Communion?

4. At the time of Sending, might this season be a time to observe the rubric on pg 115 (ELW pew edition) to do "Now, Lord?" or should the setting on pg. 113 be sung? Or is there even need for a Sending Song?

5. The music of Setting One is designed to be led on the organ. What are some options for non-organ based music? Unaccompanied, piano, instrumental, other? Or is it okay for a more uniform style of music on this particular day?

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